Hot Tips

Hot Tips Best Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal in Winter When it comes to selling your home, curb appeal has a huge impact on the first impression your home gives potential buyers. While boosting your home’s curb appeal during the warmer, summer months is relatively simple, it can be more challenging once the snow flies and the cold weather sets in. If you’re looking for […]
Hot Tips Spooky Halloween Activities in the Okanagan With Halloween just a few weeks away and the crisp fall weather already in the Okanagan, many people are starting to look for activities to help them get into the spooky season mood. Whether you’re looking for a good scare or are looking for something fun to do with the kids, there are dozens of […]
Preparing Your Home For Fall & Winter As the weather begins to cool and the leaves start to change, many people start thinking about how they can prepare their homes for the change in seasons and upcoming colder months. Taking the time to properly prepare your home for seasonal changes is a great way to check if there are any repairs that […]
Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe During Summer Vacations Now that the sunshine and hot weather are here, many people will set off on their summer vacations. Whether you’re planning to stick close to home this summer or are planning a larger getaway, it’s important to make sure you have everything in order before setting off, including making sure your home is safe and […]
Preparing Your Listing for Sale 5 Questions to Ask Your Real Estate Agent When Selling While selling your home might seem as simple as just putting it on the market and waiting for the offers to come in, there is actually a lot more that goes into selling a home than you may realize. If you’re looking for a home sale that will go smoothly and be as stress-free as […]
Preparing Your Listing for Sale Why It’s Important to Know the Value of Your Home Regardless of whether you are a current homeowner, an investor, or are looking to enter the housing market for the first time, understanding the value of your home or a home you’re looking to purchase is incredibly important. There are several different factors that can determine the value of your home, or the replacement value […]
Hot Tips Home Staging Tips To Make Your Home Stand Out When it comes to selling your home, there are a lot of different things that you can do to help it stand out in the market. Staging your home is probably one of the easiest things you can do, and it can have a considerable impact. Taking the time to stage your home can help […]
Home Buyers What To Do Before Buying A Home There’s a lot that goes into the process of buying a home, including determining where you want to buy, finding an agent, viewing properties, and finally, making an offer. But what many people don’t consider are all the things that need to be done before you even begin looking at properties. The home-buying process can […]
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How to Protect your Home Against Wildfires in Kelowna THE RISK OF WILDFIRES IN KELOWNA The residents of Kelowna know wildfires all too well!  Particularly, the Central Okanagan has seen devastating wildfires, including the Kelowna Mountain Park Fire in 2003, and the White Rock Lake fire in 2021. Both of these fires displaced tens of thousands of individuals (CBC 2021).   The fires cause […]
Hot Tips How Are Property Taxes Calculated? How are property taxes calculated? It is January, the start of a new year, and everything is fresh, covered in pillows of white snow and you have wandered out to grab your mail and find your BC Assessment Notice. You open the letter, and your eyes scan quickly to the middle of the page to […]
Hot Tips How Do You Market A Property? How do you market a property? The best way to market a property is really to take a multi-faceted approach; having a professional photographer, high-resolution pictures, is a must. Secondarily, something we’ve been doing for over two years with all of our listings is to have a virtual tour. Watch to learn more.   Check […]
Home Buyers Who Is Buying Property? Who is buying property? So many people are asking, who’s buying now in the marketplace? The market consists of a whole bunch of different groups of demographics. The millennials are buying and you’ve got the baby boomers…. Watch to learn more. Check out our Youtube page or explore more Blog Posts
Why Is Kelowna So Popular? Why is Kelowna so popular? Kelowna is a very entrepreneurial environment and it’s based on multiple industries and activities. Obviously, there’s the agriculture, there’s the wineries, the tourism activities, but we also have a strong aviation industry. Watch to learn more! Check out our other Blog Posts or take a look at our YouTube Page […]
Tuesdays and the Power of Local Market Knowledge Traditionally on Tuesdays mornings across the Okanagan, local agents gather at their real estate offices to share a coffee, learn market stats, local issues, new listings and tips and tricks from their esteemed managing brokers and leaders. Some offices hold these meetings, and some do not. This week, I am reminded of the importance of […]
Home Buyers Increased Stress for your Stress Test! There are a lot of different stressors in the world of real estate right now, particularly for those who are trying to “get in the game” to buy their first home or investment property. On June 1, the Canadian government will be adding a little more stress to the lives of those looking to purchase […]