Home Buyers

Consumer Tips For Real Estate What You Need to Know About Buying a Condo Condos have become a popular housing option for many different reasons – a smaller footprint is great for those who might be looking to downsize from a single-family home to something smaller, while their size often translates into more affordable purchase prices for first-time home buyers or new families looking to get into the housing […]
Home Buyers Kelowna’s Top Liveability Factors There is no question that Kelowna and the rest of the Okanagan Valley is a true four-season playground, with endless activities and amenities to enjoy year-round. These features factor into Kelowna’s liveability factors, which is a huge attraction for people looking to buy in the city. If you’re considering making the move to Kelowna, take […]
Consumer Tips For Real Estate Finding the Right Neighbourhood in Kelowna The home-buying process can be a stressful one, especially if you are a first-time home buyer who is going through the process for the first time. While it’s important to have your finances in order and find a knowledgeable real estate agent, one factor of home-buying that sometimes gets overlooked is choosing the right neighbourhood. […]
Home Buyers What To Do Before Buying A Home There’s a lot that goes into the process of buying a home, including determining where you want to buy, finding an agent, viewing properties, and finally, making an offer. But what many people don’t consider are all the things that need to be done before you even begin looking at properties. The home-buying process can […]
5 Questions You Should Ask When Hiring a Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Purchasing a home is likely one of the largest and most significant purchases you will make in your lifetime, so finding the right real estate agent is essential. Not only will they help walk you through the entire home-buying process from start to finish, but they will also advocate for you when it comes to […]
Consumer Tips For Real Estate What you NEED TO KNOW before moving to Kelowna Your Relocation Guide To Kelowna Moving to a new city is an important life choice. You’ll want to be equipped with everything there’s to know to make your move successful! The team at C21 Kelowna has assembled the following Relocation Guide to Kelowna to make your move to the Okanagan a breeze. By the end […]
How to Protect your Home Against Wildfires in Kelowna THE RISK OF WILDFIRES IN KELOWNA The residents of Kelowna know wildfires all too well!  Particularly, the Central Okanagan has seen devastating wildfires, including the Kelowna Mountain Park Fire in 2003, and the White Rock Lake fire in 2021. Both of these fires displaced tens of thousands of individuals (CBC 2021).   The fires cause […]
Hot Tips How Are Property Taxes Calculated? How are property taxes calculated? It is January, the start of a new year, and everything is fresh, covered in pillows of white snow and you have wandered out to grab your mail and find your BC Assessment Notice. You open the letter, and your eyes scan quickly to the middle of the page to […]
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Hot Tips How Do You Market A Property? How do you market a property? The best way to market a property is really to take a multi-faceted approach; having a professional photographer, high-resolution pictures, is a must. Secondarily, something we’ve been doing for over two years with all of our listings is to have a virtual tour. Watch to learn more.   Check […]
NatGeo Home Rediscovered: Trailer   Check out more videos on our C21 YouTube channel View more C21 Blogs  
Home Buyers Who Is Buying Property? Who is buying property? So many people are asking, who’s buying now in the marketplace? The market consists of a whole bunch of different groups of demographics. The millennials are buying and you’ve got the baby boomers…. Watch to learn more. Check out our Youtube page or explore more Blog Posts
Why Is Kelowna So Popular? Why is Kelowna so popular? Kelowna is a very entrepreneurial environment and it’s based on multiple industries and activities. Obviously, there’s the agriculture, there’s the wineries, the tourism activities, but we also have a strong aviation industry. Watch to learn more! Check out our other Blog Posts or take a look at our YouTube Page […]
Home Buyers Increased Stress for your Stress Test! There are a lot of different stressors in the world of real estate right now, particularly for those who are trying to “get in the game” to buy their first home or investment property. On June 1, the Canadian government will be adding a little more stress to the lives of those looking to purchase […]