Hot TipsHot TipsHot TipsHot Tips 16 novembre 2023

Best Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal in Winter

When it comes to selling your home, curb appeal has a huge impact on the first impression your home gives potential buyers. While boosting your home’s curb appeal during the warmer, summer months is relatively simple, it can be more challenging once the snow flies and the cold weather sets in.

If you’re looking for a few ways to boost your home’s curb appeal in the winter, we’ve compiled a list of a few different things you can do!

Home with bright interior lights in winter

Boost Curb Appeal: Let There Be Light

As the days get shorter, you’ll want to ensure that your home is properly illuminated. Not only will this help potential buyers see the home, but it will also help keep sidewalks and front porches lit up, which will help keep people safe. With showings happening in the darker evening hours, keeping your lights on will also make your home feel more welcoming and ‘lived-in’, which will help invite potential buyers in.

Spruce Up Your Front Porch

While there won’t be much yard work to be done in the winter months to help with your home’s curb appeal, one area that you can put some work into is your front porch. Consider painting your front door a bold colour to add some personality to the space, add festive winter-themed pots on the porch, or hang a seasonal wreath on the front door to help boost the curb appeal. Not only will these add to the first impression that your home will make to potential buyers, but it will also allow them to see the potential of what they could do to the space should they decide to put in an offer.

Homeowner shovelling snow in winter

Keep Sidewalks Clear

When inviting potential buyers into your home for showings, the last thing you want is for someone to slip and fall on an icy sidewalk. This is why keeping sidewalks and driveways clear is extremely important when selling during the winter months. Shoveling and de-icing your sidewalks and driveway can also help boost your home’s curb appeal as it makes your property feel lived-in and more welcoming to those who might be considering your home during their home search.

Update House Numbers

If you’re looking for a simple, relatively inexpensive way to boost your home’s curb appeal during the winter months, then you might want to consider updating your house numbers. They are mandatory to have on your home, but depending on when your home was built and when they were last changed, they can sometimes look a bit outdated. Taking the time to update your house numbers is a great way to refresh the exterior of your home while also ensuring that potential buyers will be able to easily find it when they come for their showings.

Whether you’re planning to list your home soon or are thinking you’ll be listing later in the winter, taking these steps now is a great way to ensure that you’re putting your home’s best foot forward when it comes time to put it on the market.

Thinking about selling your home? We can help! Contact Max Carbone today to get in touch with one of our experienced real estate agents!